Mixed Evergreen Forest | Green Valley Creek | Oak Woodlands | Meadows | Riparian Zones
Photo courtesy of Climate Farm School
stewardship & relationship to place
With many different niches and ecosystem types onsite, we’ve been spending time getting to know the flora and fauna of Green Valley over the years.
And, in an effort to create a baseline for our land stewardship goals, from 2018 - 2019, Lindsay Dailey, Lee Farese and Roy Blodgett worked to compile a comprehensive site assessment.
This plan informed our key stewardship priorities and provided an extensive catalogue list of many of the flora and fauna found here. We are grateful for their work in identifying key stewardship priorities and in spending time in relationship to this place. Once the plan was completed, it allowed us to apply for, and receive, multiple grants which have been instrumental is supporting some of our land-based priorities.
As our journey continues, we are grateful for the following organizations, entities, and beings for their provision of resources, technical assistance, ecosystem services, and relationship:
Oak Granary for leading the design and write up of our management plan
The California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Healthy Soils Initiative for funding healthy soils and land management practices
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District for their collaboration, funding support, planning and management and technical assistance in improving the section of Green Valley Creek located on our property as well as other features of our site
Fire Forward for their support in bringing fire ecology back to this land
CalFire for funding assistance in implementation of components of our plan
Onsite farm Bramble Tail Homestead for their holistic grazing practices and work to build biodiversity and long-term stewardship on the land
Former onsite farms West County Community Farm and Green Valley CSA for installation of hedgerows, fruit trees and soil-building efforts
The flora and fauna of Green Valley
All of the volunteers, onsite residents, employees, present and former stewards of the land, all whom have invested significant time and effort in relationship with this place